Saturday 18 December 2021

Announcement from TheDisneyFanBlog

As of this moment this article has been released, I have decided to close the blog, TheDisneyFanBlog, right after its 5th anniversary this September.

When I created this blog, I wanted to make a difference and create something huge. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to reach that goal and means I won't be active any longer.

I will not be deleting anything on this blog, and you will still be able to read every article still available right now. I have no plan to delete the blog, but Google might be deleting it sometime due to it becoming inactive.

I never wanted this moment to happen. I love creating unique articles to tell information that is impossible or hard to find on any other website on the Internet. Although this blog was created over five years ago, I actually had a minor blog between 2013/2014 and 2016. It means a lot to me, and I know I can make a difference with my articles.

I won't be creating new articles, but this won't be the last either. As I am pretty busy creating other projects with Disney, I will be releasing a very last article in January. Due to my huge project with how Disney operates in Denmark, and in Scandinavia in general, I cannot contunie with this blog. I do hope, however, that I am able to create a new blog as soon as possible, to create new and more interesting articles that can make a difference in the world we're living in.

The email you find below is still active as of this moment. Although I do not post anything, I am still in the possession of a lot of information, and you're more than welcome to contact me.

When I create the last article in January, which will be about my Disney Denmark project, the article will contain a link to a Word document (where I make my projects) and you will be able to find the email again, like you do here. If my email gets shut down in the future, I will create a new one and update the document to show the new one as soon as it is active.

I have been very happy to create all my articles through these five years, and I am very happy for everyone who has ever read any of the articles. I am so grateful for that, and I hope we can meet sometime in the future.

Thank you so much,
