In december I chose to close this blog due to different reasons, but it wasn't the last post.
In the time between these two posts I have worked on my project 'Disney Scandinavia' which tells how Disney operates in the Scandinavian countries, whether it be the TV channels, home video releases or other things.
The project is made in a Word document, with all small projects being in their own little document. The document is in both Danish and English language.
In this document you'll find links to other documents, what you like to read about. Mainly the project is only focusing on Disney in Scandinavia, but I do make other small projects beside that, too. They are to be found in the same document as I won't be creating another one, mostly to avoid confusing.
You can view the project here:
In the documents you'll find an email where you can contact me if you have questions or feedback.
I hope you will enjoy the project, find it interesting. Thank you for reading this blog.
Nicklas Rasmussen