Friday 28 August 2020

This is the Only Official and Existing "Milo Murphy's Law" Merchandise Released to Date

Phineas and Ferb is one of Disney Channel's and Disney XD's most popular TV series ever. The series is created by Dan Povenmire and Jeff "Swampy" Marsh and was released in 2007. Until the final episode in 2015, the series ran for 4 seasons with over 200 segments. Because of the huge success, Disney released a bunch of merchandise, including action figures, plush, magazines, books, CDs, DVDs, video games, and much more. The success also led to a movie and special crossovers with the characters from Marvel, and Lucasfilm's Star Wars.

After Phineas and Ferb ended, the two creators went on to a new series called "Milo Murphy's Law". It was revealed in 2016, and Disney even released a funny video to promote it.

The series premiered on the Disney channels at the end of 2016, but it was not quite successful as Phineas and Ferb, with only 2 seasons and about 70 segments as of 2019. The series has neither been renewed for a new season, nor cancelled. While the series was airing, you might have expected a minor bunch of merchandise like the previous series, but it actually never happened. Or yes, but limited to only five pieces.

The only official merchandise released to date based on the series is CDs. In Germany, a company called KIDDINX Media GmbH has released five CDs in 2018. It is not songs but radio plays. They are only recorded in German, with a speaker retelling a segment from the series. Some of the characters can also be heard with their German voices. The first four CDs contains three segments on each, with the fifth containing two episodes. Each CD runs for 45-49 minutes.

1. Ein Schulweg voller Hindernisse/Going the Extra Milo
2. Ausflug in den Untergrund/The Undergrounders
3. Die Überraschungsparty/Party of Peril

1. Milos Großer Auftritt/Smooth Opera-tor
2. Der Familienurlaub/Family Vacation
3. Geheimnisse und Pizza/Secrets and Pies

1. Die Vertretungslehrerin/The Substitute
2. Der Schultanz/School Dance
3. Das Mathebuch/The Math Book

1. Wir Gehen in den Zoo/We're Going to the Zoo
2. Eine Zweite Chance/The Little Engine That Couldn't
3. Auf Autogrammjagd/Star Struck

1. Findet Milo! - Teil 1 & 2/Missing Milo

You can view all the CDs here.

If you do not understand German or want to learn the language, these are also good just to have in your collection. If you just want to hear the CDs they should also be available on Spotify.


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