Wednesday 1 March 2017

Club Penguin In My Life

This is the story of my life where I began to know about Club Penguin and how the game has meant for me all over the years.

The same entry is also posted on TheDisneyClubPenguinFanBlog

I'll tell you the story how I began playing Club Penguin, what I felt when CP announced they will close, and many other things.

What I felt when CP announced they will close

I was sitting with my phone when I had break at my job. I went on Facebook at my startpage, rolling down and I found a new post from Club Penguin. There was a picture with the headline: Important Announcement Regarding Club Penguin on Desktop and Mobile Devices.

I clicked on the link after the text. I saw what Megg has wrote, but I wouldn't have spoiled it at all, so I began to read from the start. I read and read. When I read about The Club Penguin Team would close Club Penguin because of Club Penguin Island I had a bad feeling. I was really sad and I couldn't believe it. I thought it was an early April Fool but that couldn't be true.

The announcement came before I began my other blog which was meant for both Club Penguin and Club Penguin Island. I was chocked..

I wrote two times on the post on Facebook with also about 3 posts on the Club Penguin Blog. I deleted my first comment and wrote a new on Facebook, and my comments on the Club Penguin Blog was probably never published.

When I started playing Club Penguin

My penguin Nicklas2469 was made on 5th February 2010. I was 9 years old, my friends at my school played Club Penguin, but probably only the boys. When we were at the library which is placed next to the school in the city the boys played Club Penguin. I couldn't understand why they always should take the computers which was available in the place, because we should read and borrow books in the time. I saw them playing the game. I can remember one of them playing Hydro Hopper.

In a weekend I had one of the boys at my home. He would make an account for me to Club Penguin but in real, I wouldn't play the game. The penguin was made in February. I didn't knew what I should call my username. My penguin was named by myself. I don't know what the number means but I think it was because I couldn't name my penguin after my wish. And maybe Club Penguin gave me some suggestion where I just chose one of them.

Months later, I began playing the game. My first pin I collected was the Candy Apple which was released in July 2010. I began probably playing the game in my summer vacation. After that time, I've played since.

What happened to my penguin later?

I have played Club Penguin in many years. I've attended all parties after July 2010, collected all pins and all the other things. I gave my penguin a Membership later in 2010 what I remember. But because I read about all of them who had not a Membership I wanted to experience the same. So what could I do if I both wanted to be Member and Nonmember? Don't know... but making a another penguin was the right answer, of course.

On 28th May 2011, I created another account for Club Penguin. The penguin has been Nonmember since it was created. It haven't been much active the last years but still active a bit. My penguin was named Playmobil4 because I have loved the German toy company since I was born. Therefore, my penguin was named Playmobil. The number came probably after a suggestion by Club Penguin after I either could name this penguin as I wanted. I'm a little regretted that I chose that name now but I can't think of a better name.

My life in Club Penguin

I can remember some of my routines I have did when playing Club Penguin. In the many years I have played Club Penguin I've tried to get all the stamps - which I never could.

There was a time where I either in the evening or in the morning should play Club Penguin. I was in bed early because of school so some days I could attend the updates in Club Penguin before going in bed. Some days I played in the morning before I should go to school. But for two or three years ago I just played the game after school. Later, I first played on Friday because I forgot the updates when they came later than usually.

Another time when I played the game I should every morning/afternoon and evening go to my igloo to turn on and off the light. I should pull back and pull the curtains from the window so you could see outside of the igloo. I played with my puffles and gave them food. All the common routines you do in the real life. Because I have did the missions at the EPF HQ (which was closed later in CP's history) I got a pizza and a chocolate case. Probably every time I played, I opened the cases to let my penguin eat the food.

There was a lot of things I did years ago which is funny to think about now.

Club Penguin got my heart

When I began playing Club Penguin I didn't knew many things of the virtual world. I just began following some bloggers who had a blog about Club Penguin. When I knew more about Club Penguin I was very sad about that I began so late.

In 2012, I got my first Club Penguin merchandise. I can't remember but what I can remember, I got the first things on my birthday in the summer 2012. The merchandise was figures from Mix 'N' Match, plush and Card-Jitsu cards. Later, I've spent many money and got a lot in gifts of Club Penguin merchandise so I could collect the whole collection (or most of the stuff).

What will happen now?

I have in really long time been excited for Project Super Secret which was revealed to be a new game. I couldn't imagine that it was a new game and The Club Penguin Team would close Club Penguin. I can't remember what I thought it was but I think it was another update for the origin game. Things as new places or something, or maybe a new app to be released like Sled Racer, Puffle Wild or SoundStudio.

I will never stop playing Club Penguin. The game means so much for my life. Club Penguin is that game I've played in most years of all. There are no other games that I've spent so many hours to play than Club Penguin. Many of the games I play in my spare time is really different from this magical world but sometimes it always end with I delete the games. I'm excited to explore a new world of the island of penguins. I haven't played the game yet but I hope the game is so much worth as Club Penguin. The Club Penguin Team has did Club Penguin so great that they hopefully can't fail with Club Penguin Island.

Not every thing is bad. The most bad thing would be if The Club Penguin Team closed Club Penguin forever which is not an opportunity.

So I would like to thanks The Club Penguin Team for what they have did with Club Penguin over the years. The game is amazing. And I hope they'll do it better later in the future with Club Penguin Island.

And another thanks to The Club Penguin Team to tell me when my penguins was created!


Picture by TheDisneyFanBlog attending the 11th anniversary of Club Penguin in 2016 at the Halloween Party

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