In November, 2013 Frozen got its premiere in the US. LEGO has published some facts about the movie. The facts were from the Danish LEGO site, but I've tried to translate them in English. Read them here.
Because they're from LEGO I also have the origin in Danish. They'll come with the translated version. Be sure that the quotes aren't 100 % perfect translated.
The translated:
1. "One of the origin drawing of Elsa she has blue hair with spikes and a coat with living weasels."2. "Let It Go has been recorded in 41 different languages."
3. "In the first versions of the screenplay were Elsa and Anna not sisters, Anna was a village girl and Elsa was the snow queen."
4. "It took 50 drawers 9 months to Draw that scene, where Elsa create her ice palace."
5. "Rapunzel and Flynn from Tangled can be seen in the crowd when the gates open in the start of the movie."
6. It took 600 people three million hours to make the movie."
7. "The figure Kristoff is based on the Sami people, as a people, who lives in the nothern Scandinavia.."
8. "The movie creators invited a real reindeer inside the Walt Disney's drawing studios, so they could see how the animal seemed and moved in the reality. The information was later used to make Kristoff's funny reindeer friend Sven."
The origin:
1. "På en af de oprindelige tegninger af Elsa har hun blåt hår med pigge og en frakke af levende væsler."
2. ""Let it go" (på dansk "Lad det ske") er blevet indspillet på 41 forskellige sprog."
3. "I de første udgaver af drejebogen var Elsa og Anna ikke søstre, Anna var en landsbypige, og Elsa var snedronningen."
4. "Det tog 50 tegnere ni måneder at tegne den scene, hvor Elsa skaber sit ispalads."
5. "Rapunzel og Flynn fra To på flugt kan ses i menneskemængden, da portene åbnes i starten af filmen."
6. "Det tog 600 personer tre millioner timer at lave filmen."
7. "Figuren Kristoffer bygger på samerne, som er et folk, der bor i det nordlige Scandinavien.."
8. "Filmskaberne inviterede et ægte rensdyr inden for i Walt Disneys tegnestudier, så de kunne se, hvordan dyret så ud og bevægede sig i virkeligheden. De oplysninger blev senere brugt til at lave Kristoffers sjove rensdyrkammerat Sven."
After these facts, I can't imagine the movie with this. Great we have the final movie as it is. What do you think?
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